Teaching Youth Life Skills

Public Speaking, Debates, Personal Finance and Medikids classes (1-12 grade)


Evergreen Community Center
4860 San Felipe Rd
San Jose CA 95135

Class Title CS401 : Public Speaking and Debate Skills
Course Description Bring out confidence in your children! Confident speakers express themselves clearly, participate more, and thus become happier. This class is filled with fun activities: tongue-twister challenges, story-telling, poems, and news reporting. In the debate section, students learn to present arguments with reasoning and evidence, teaching them critical thinking, research and listening skills. Shy and talkative students alike will benefit from this class
Eligibility 3rd Grade to 7th Grade
Number of Classes 8
Start Time 10:00 AM
Start Date 01/20/2024
End Date 03/09/2024
Day(s) of Week Saturday
Duration 1:00
Other Information Activity # 214.3.0400